Tuesday, May 13, 2008
They are literally the biggest losers
Funny how former Biggest Loser contestants put on more weight after the show finishes and then join those generic weight loss programs. They have learnt nothing. What losers...
Saturday, May 10, 2008
All I want is...
...a damn Chinese Visa!!
Why has the Chinese Govt made it so hard to get one now? Talk about being careful during the time of the Beijing Olympics.
Here is the story so far:
Visa application one was rejected because the consulate wanted to know where we were staying on arrival in China. We booked a hotel and resubmitted. Again, rejected because now they were asking for complete hotel bookings for the entire trip!
Visa application two was rejected because the consulate wanted to know how we were getting into the country. We made up a flight number and time and resubmitted. Again, rejected because they also wanted the e-ticket number.
What a joke. All my friends and I want to do is visit the Terracotta Warriors, see Tiananmen Square and walk the Great Wall.
We will venture into Vietnam and try to get one that way. The Vietnamese will sort us out.
Tuesday, May 6, 2008
What Navara?
Last week, two drivers were killed in a road accident in Melbourne. Read here. My question is, what model was the Nissan Navara? Could it have been the one which received a one star Euro NCAP rating? Which was asked to be returned to the dealer for safety adjustments? I understand that the driver ended up in hospital with serious injuries. Could he have a case against Nissan?
Victorian teacher$
Victorian teachers in their first year are to be paid $51,184. What a load of shit!!
Why so much? I agree that as years go by, teachers should be able to reach higher earnings but honestly! $51,184 for someone in their early twenties?! A physiotherapist receives less! And the poor tradies. A first year (non-apprentice!!) cabinet maker is on $35,000.
Vic Premier John Brumby has made a mistake with this one. A starting wage of $46,127 (last year's rate) was fine. All you needed to do was raise the maximum a classroom teacher could earn.
Here's my teacher rate:
Starting salary for a graduate classroom teacher: $45,000
Maximum a classroom teacher can earn: $82,000
Wednesday, April 16, 2008
The new poll
Here is the latest ninemsn poll.
Are you driving less because of petrol prices?
Yes - 331,958
No - 20,407
A word to the person who 'works' out the oil price: keep increasing it! The higher the price of petrol, the less people will be driving cars which leads to lower greenhouse gas emissions polluting this Earth! Makes sense, albeit ironic.
Tuesday, April 15, 2008
Hinch vs Nelson
Radio compere Derryn Hinch is right. Federal Opposition Leader Brendan Nelson does look like a snake.
Friday, April 11, 2008
Still Stilnox?
Jack Nicholson. Heath Ledger. And now some guy called Robert James Kingston. Read about him here. Will Stilnox ever be banned?
Heath was looking a little sick though...

Lifting Qantas
I agree with baggage handlers (as shifty as they may be). Lifting in excess of 10,000kgs per day, every day, would be hard. I used to work in a liquor store warehouse. The average case of beer weighs 14-18kgs. Taking them to and from the warehouse for 7.5 hours per day was a tough job. My back will never be the same. So all you people thinking that 32kgs and 20kgs is light (i'm looking at you Tracy Grimshaw! and your 8yo friend!) think again. Try putting yourself in their shoes for a day if you could manage - and I highly doubt that you could.
By the way, when you read this Grimshaw, and I know you will because you come off as someone that 'Googles' their own name constantly, you wear too much make up.
By the way, when you read this Grimshaw, and I know you will because you come off as someone that 'Googles' their own name constantly, you wear too much make up.
Tuesday, March 11, 2008
The unwritten rules of the road
No 1: Just because you put your hazard lights on does not mean you can park wherever you want on the road!
No 2: People should be courteous and always highbeam others if they see a cop car on the side of the road.
No 3: Do not box others in, it's annoying.
No 4: 4x4s do not belong in the city.
That is all.
No 2: People should be courteous and always highbeam others if they see a cop car on the side of the road.
No 3: Do not box others in, it's annoying.
No 4: 4x4s do not belong in the city.
That is all.
Thursday, January 17, 2008
Never will I
Two things struck me today on my commute to work.
Why on earth is Russian tennis player Maria Sharapova the only one to speak with such a strong American accent? Even Marat Safin, who is seven years older than her, speaks with a thick Russian accent. I know that most professional tennis players go to college in America, but surely the accent is put on! She sounds ridiculous.
The second thing that hit me today is about a train station. Why is Spencer St station called Southern Cross station? It sounds tacky and lame. Never will I call Spencer St station 'Southern Cross station'.
Tuesday, January 15, 2008
He's famous now
Well Corey Delaney (or is it Worthington now?) was tracked down by A Current Affair again. Funny how they can contact him but his parents have no hope. Here is his famous video from last night's episode. It seems as though Corey may have a new career in mind. Nova have requested an interview with him and he has been asked to host parties all over Australia. Have a watch of tonight's interview live, from Frankston Beach (of all places).
I have no idea what to think of this teenager anymore. On the one hand, he is a complete dickhead, but on the other, he cracks me up. Maybe ACA should be thanking him. He has attracted a ridiculous number of viewers for the program and has not received a cent.
I have no idea what to think of this teenager anymore. On the one hand, he is a complete dickhead, but on the other, he cracks me up. Maybe ACA should be thanking him. He has attracted a ridiculous number of viewers for the program and has not received a cent.
I imagine he could have earned enough money to pay his potential police fine and them some. Gotta love chequebook journalism...
Monday, January 14, 2008
I hate Channel 9...
I was at work today watching A Current Affair with Leila McKinnon. Can't say I was paying too much attention to it...that was until a teenager by the name of Corey Delaney came on. Read about Corey here. McKinnon interviewed Delaney and, even though what he did was fairly stupid, he provided me with a laugh and a half. As soon as I find the video of it, I will post it on here. Quite possibly the funniest thing I have ever seen on ACA.
I hate Channel 9...but can't help watching tabloid television.
Tuesday, January 8, 2008
Does Ant-Rid work?
It's that time of the year again where ants make a home in our backyards in order to make their pilgrimage to our kitchens to eat every last bread crumb available.
Over four thousand types of ant species exist in Australia and most of us want the ones that populate our kitchens dead. Oh yes, I am one of those people. With some advice from a friend in mind and $3.50 in my pocket, I bought some Ant-Rid. My kitchen became like a warzone. Bench tops were blotted with the honey-like product and cupboards held the same treatment. Immediately, dozens of the worker ants began consuming it. They were loving it. An excellent video of Ant-Rid in action can be seen on YouTube. I left for work that afternoon, proud of my evil treatment of these ignorant insects.
Whilst it has been relatively cooler in weather over the past week, the ants have not returned. Melbourne will be hit with 40+ degree temperatures over the next two days so this will test the true power of the Ant-Rid liquid.
Does Ant-Rid work?
Heck yes it does!
Over four thousand types of ant species exist in Australia and most of us want the ones that populate our kitchens dead. Oh yes, I am one of those people. With some advice from a friend in mind and $3.50 in my pocket, I bought some Ant-Rid. My kitchen became like a warzone. Bench tops were blotted with the honey-like product and cupboards held the same treatment. Immediately, dozens of the worker ants began consuming it. They were loving it. An excellent video of Ant-Rid in action can be seen on YouTube. I left for work that afternoon, proud of my evil treatment of these ignorant insects.
Whilst it has been relatively cooler in weather over the past week, the ants have not returned. Melbourne will be hit with 40+ degree temperatures over the next two days so this will test the true power of the Ant-Rid liquid.
Does Ant-Rid work?
Heck yes it does!
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